A Footer is like the trusty sidekick of your website—it’s always there at the bottom, ready to help! Packed with important links, handy info, and quick navigation, it’s the go-to spot for users to find what they need. Think of it as the backstage pass to your site’s essentials! 🚀
Follow below steps 👇🏻
Create a file footer.tsx in your components folder and paste this code
1import React from 'react';2import Image from 'next/image';34/**5* Footer component containing site navigation, email subscription, and company information6* Displays a responsive grid layout with multiple sections that adapts to different screen sizes7*/8const Footer = () => {9// Navigation items organized by category10const productLinks = [11'UI Components',12'Backend Utilities',13'Authentication Snippets',14'Database Helpers',15'API Endpoints'16];1718const helpLinks = ['How to Use StackBits', 'Report an Issue', 'Request a Feature', 'FAQs'];1920const companyLinks = ['About StackBits', 'News', 'Careers', 'Contact Us', 'Terms & Conditions'];2122// Helper function to render navigation lists23const renderNavList = (title: string, items: string[]) => (24<div className="w-full sm:w-auto">25<h3 className="font-medium text-base sm:text-lg mb-3 sm:mb-4">{title}</h3>26<ul className="flex flex-col gap-2 text-gray-400">27{ => (28<li29key={item}30className="cursor-pointer hover:text-white transition-colors text-sm sm:text-base"31>32{item}33</li>34))}35</ul>36</div>37);3839return (40<footer className="bg-black text-white py-8 sm:py-12 lg:py-16 px-4 sm:px-8 lg:px-20">41<div className="flex flex-col lg:flex-row gap-8 lg:gap-0 lg:justify-between">42{/* Logo and email subscription section */}43<div className="flex flex-col gap-4 sm:gap-6 w-full lg:w-auto lg:max-w-sm">44<Image45src="/stackbits-logo.png"46alt="boAt"47width={120}48height={40}49priority // Logo should load first50className="w-24 sm:w-28 lg:w-32"51/>52<p className="text-gray-400 text-sm sm:text-base">53Subscribe to email alerts. We promise not to spam your inbox.54</p>55<div className="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-2">56<input57type="email"58placeholder="Email Address"59className="bg-white/10 px-4 py-2 rounded-lg w-full sm:w-auto"60aria-label="Email subscription input"61/>62<button63className="bg-red-500 px-6 py-2 rounded-lg font-medium whitespace-nowrap"64aria-label="Subscribe to newsletter"65>66Subscribe67</button>68</div>69</div>7071{/* Navigation grid section */}72<div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 sm:gap-12 lg:gap-20">73{renderNavList('Products', productLinks)}74{renderNavList('Help', helpLinks)}75{renderNavList('Company', companyLinks)}76</div>77</div>78</footer>79);80};8182export default Footer;
1<Footer />
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